about me

We are going over land to Nepal. First Susan, her van and me to Istanbul. And from Istanbul it will be Laura, two backpacks and me. To Nepal. Without a limit in time.

vrijdag 12 februari 2010

little update

I am very sorry for the low message frequency but being in a country where it`s 38 degrees is very tiring you know.

Just a little update.
The 6 weeks in Mysore are over.
Tomorrow I will take a train and two days and more than 2000 kms later I will get out of that train in Varanasi, North India.
There I will see Laura again and then we will talk for a long time with each other because we will have missed each other. And I will teach her some yoga of course, whether she wants that or not.
Soon more news about these six weeks & about Laura`s six weeks.

We are planning to go to Rishikesh after Varanasi and maybe Dharamsala, because we heard that the Dalai Lama will be there talking to many people on the 28th of february.

I`ll send some sun in the direction of Belgium and be happy all.

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