about me

We are going over land to Nepal. First Susan, her van and me to Istanbul. And from Istanbul it will be Laura, two backpacks and me. To Nepal. Without a limit in time.

woensdag 4 november 2009

All is good


The time has come to speak some english. Most of the people we met don't speak the dutch language and would like to follow our journey. Hi welcome and thanks. So where were we.
We left Istanbul on the 28th of october and headed to Ölüdeniz,on Turkey's Mediterranean coast. No better place to test the ebaytent for the first time than the 'paradisish' beach of Ölüdeniz.
No better place to celebrate Laura's 27th birthday than the paradisish beach of Ölüdeniz.
While paragliders are flying above us I keep on thinking of when we went flying a few days ago. I think about how strangely normal it felt to be up there. Think about the complete confidence I had in Yurdaer,our magnificent co-flyer and fantastic pilot-friend. I think about how nice it is to be able to trust people you don't know for a long time and to be trusted by them. It happens to us all the time and it seems that by doing so we attract the right ones...


We're staying in Kaş with Necmi, a friend of Memet,our couchsurfinghost from Istanbul. I'm on his terrace. There's storm. Lightning. Thinking that everything is fine like it is. That this travel won't turn me into someone else,like I must have been thinking sometimes,that everything's just fine like it is. I think about home and how being away affects the homestayers. Hearing the thunder. Think about the bellydancer of last night that went lying on her back and the enthousiasm with which she asked the old man and his son to drink raki out of her bellybutton. Think about how it will be when I'll be back. Not much different than before I imagine. There's electricity in the air. The moon's almost full again. Thinking that my thoughts are perfectly fine like they are.


Ali and Zeyneb give us our first lift. From Kaş to Çıralı. There we meet Günay who proposes us to put our tent in his garden if we want. He sais : "Turks everywhere. You go Alaska,you see Turks."
Where do all these nice people we meet come from? Turkey apparently.
We walk to Chimaera, the flames that are formed out of gas from the earth that comes in contact with the air. We stay here for a while, it darkens, the moon's there again and we are ordinarily greatfully normally happy.
Every morning we do yoga and every day someone asks us if he/she can join. Nice to leave a yogatrace behind.

We'll see

We're in Antalya now. The next thing will be Capadoccia. Probably we'll go there with Nic and her van.
Soon you'll hear more about that.
Insjallah and everything's fine like it is.

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