about me

We are going over land to Nepal. First Susan, her van and me to Istanbul. And from Istanbul it will be Laura, two backpacks and me. To Nepal. Without a limit in time.

donderdag 19 november 2009


Worrying is the same as chewing chewinggum to solve an algebraproblem.
English Nic with her old ambulance
Afscheid nemen is alsof de conducteur een gaatje in je ticket prikt.
Susan na het afscheid met El en mama.
From now, very up.
Thanos op de Olympos, een uur voor de top.
The feet walk alone.
Thanos tijdens razendsnelle afdaling van de Olympos
Only when we lose what we have do we value it truly.
M.Mazower in Salonica
Never trust the women or the weather of Istanbul.
Serdar, onze eerste couchsurfhost
I don`t like it that they want women to close their everywhere, that only the eyes are open.
Ahmed, bontverkoper en paraglider, over de conservatieve moslims
Blijf beslissen zonder beslist te worden.
uit mail van papa
I read in a book that a more proper name for earth would be water.
Marcus, Australian traveller
Maybe he has the wrong address.
Hakan over orkaan die maar niet komt in Antalya
Clean shoes, lady?
Schoenenpoetser in Antalya. Ik draag sandalen.
To know if someone is really a good person you have to travel with him, do business with him and see him in a high position.
The prophet Mohammed
-Moge je lang leven
-Moge jij zien dat ik lang leef

Turkse uitspraak na niezen
There are different ways to reach one goal, but I believe that mine is best.
Zekeriya about his belief
Don`t kill the day.
Murat`s brother of Camping Murat advises us to go walking while the sun is still shining
Why you go to Iran?
verbaasde Turkse politie aan de grens met Iran
Why you come to Iran?
verbaasde Iraanse man in de rij aan de Iraanse kant van de grens
I will pray to my Jesus for you.
Murat`s brother who considers us as his sisters
That must be Ahmadinejad giving a speech.
F. in de Alborzberg in Tehran na het horen van het balken van een ezel

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