about me

We are going over land to Nepal. First Susan, her van and me to Istanbul. And from Istanbul it will be Laura, two backpacks and me. To Nepal. Without a limit in time.

zondag 13 december 2009


How many impressions per second can a human have?
How many can he handle?
Leaving iran is one.
Taking a plane on an overlandtrip is two.
After thirty days showing your hair in public again is three.
A difference of 15 degrees in temperature is four.
And then the counting stops.
Then we see a marriage, a boy on a horse, people sleeping on the streets, not five, not twenty, but hundreds of them, we see advertising in the streets again in stead of khomeini and khamenei, women with naked bellies, dogs, a lot of dogs, cars everywhere.
The trip to the hostel takes us a little hour in a little taxi.
The poverty is immense.
On the way to our first Indian meal for less than a euro a child is lying stretched on the street.
In the eyes of the other travelers I see something hard. Something`s closed.
Maybe a few days of Mumbai make you like that.
In the eyes of the Indian men (didn`t have contact with a woman so far, but it`s only our second hour in Mumbai) I see a joy, a playful smile.
Maybe years of Mumbai make you like that.
I know and see that I know almost nothing and that I`m happy I`m born where I`m born.
We didn`t turn one but ten pages in one time.
It`s a hard transition. From Iran tot India. But being three months on the road makes the shock a little less.
And the missing part (Pakistan) will fit in somewhere. Maybe in a few years, maybe in going back. Insjallah.
I know nothing anymore.
I go to sweat and sleep.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Maaike, we volgen je dagelijks via je blog en houden onze omgeving op de hoogte van je reis. Daarom : wil je me (eventueel via e-mail) je reisroute doorspelen. Van waar vlogen jullie bvb. naar Mumbai, enz. Wat zijn jullie volgende etappes ? Alvast dank. Kus. Ger & Leen.

  2. dag ger, we zijn van shiraz naar mumbai gevlogen
    volgende etappes nog onduidelijk
    het zuiden van india, dat is zeker, maar wat en wanneer dat kan ik je pas doorgeven als wij dat ook weten
    je hoort het snel
    kus uit bombay

  3. Maaike en Laura,

    Ik zie er al ongeloofelijk naar uit!
    Mijn agenda dient enkel nog om streepjes te zetten om af te tellen en afspraken te verschuiven tot na februari.
    Ik hoop dat jullie ondertussen al een fantastische tijd hebben, veel straffe verhalen en indrukken kunnen verzamelen en dat we samen veel curry mogen eten!


